יום ראשון, 13 באוקטובר 2013


Being involved in your community is a very important experience that more people should experience, especially students and teenagers, since they have so much free time. Today, there are students that volunteer and some teenagers are very involved in their community, but its not enough. Volunteering is a very rewarding experience in which you can actually feel how it benefits you after your activity in the community. "You get what you give" is definitely one sentence to describe this activity, meaning if you give yourself to the community, it will benefit you in a way you never thought of before and can literally change people's lives. So how can we encourage students to be more involved in their community ?

In my opinion, schools have a very important role in the students' education and values, therefore they should promote the value of volunteering in their students. For starters, the schools can contact some community centers, asking some of their representatives to come and lecture to the students about being involved in their community, and then take them out to see what it actually means and let them experience it for 1 day with their teachers. In that way, the students can understand closely the meaning of "volunteering" and see that there are many ways to contribute their society and how fun it is. The best part is that you get to choose your own group that you like in the community center, and take one or two close friends with you in order to feel more comfortable in your first time of volunteering.

For example, when I was in the 9th grade I had the opportunity to volunteer for the first time. I sat with some of my friends and a community center's guide and talked to mentally-disabled people about the recent news of our small country. I can't describe in words the look in their eyes when they talked to us, and I must say some of them are very intelligent people too. It was so fun, we didn't even notice it was late. On my way home with my friends, we decided to do this "thing" on a regular basis - once in a week. That's all you need to change people's lives dramatically. The disabled people were so happy and excited to see us again. I swear one of them almost cried with joy.

To sum up, volunteering is a big word, yet too small to describe all of the emotions and spiritually fulfilment in its' experience. So students, teenagers, or any other person that reads this right now, my suggestion to you is this - Get off your sofa and start getting involved in your community in any way you can, from the smallest thing, like helping an old lady to cross the road, to volunteering in your community center. You don't know how much power you have and how much lives you can change. This world is ours to take care of, and we're the only ones that can make it a better place to live in.
I love it! Great work.(It's a but too long through....)

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