יום שני, 3 בספטמבר 2012

The Road Not Taken - Pre-reading (situation number 1)

My friends are going to travel abroad after graduation and they really want me to join them. However, I have been offered a fantastic job at a big high-tech company and I'm afraid that if I miss this opportunity, I may not get another one.

On the one hand, I'd really want to travel with my friends and explore the world. I have always wanted to view the "Niagara Falls" and travel in South-America, to observe other cultures and try other lifestyles. In that trip, I can do anything I have ever wanted along with my closest friends. It would be an experience of a lifetime. However, I would come back from the trip with no money at all and end up without a job. 

On the other hand, this job offer is an opportunity that may not come back. I can start working at a big office with a "fat" paycheck - my dream job! If I use my time right and start working now, by the time my friends come back from the trip, I might even be a CEO or a very important man in the company. But what if I don't even like my job after a couple of months and I miss the trip of my life.

To sum up, each decision has it's own pros and cons, but eventually what I choose is the important one. In my opinion, the trip is a lifetime experience that I have to go through and try all the things I've ever wanted to do before I start my life. I will get other job offers if I got this one, and I'll never regret my decision. We only live once.

Great work!

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