יום רביעי, 19 בספטמבר 2012

Count That Day Lost - Bridging Text and Context

Mary Ann Evans was born in the 19th century, in Victorian England. The Victorian age was characterized by huge gaps between the classes. Evans was a female writer, who published her works under the pen name George Eliot, since female writers were not taken seriously at the time. 

In my opinion, Marry Ann's background helped me to understand the meaning behind her poem "Count That Day Lost". The poem talks about how people should spend their day by doing things that help other people. At her time, society was divided into classes. The lower class, which lived in extreme poverty, and upper class, that lived a life of luxury. She wanted to improve the society and overcome the gaps between the classes by encouraging people to be nice and kind to each other.

In addition, Marry Ann often criticized the behavior of the upper classes in her books. She thought that people should take responsibility in their everyday lives and was concerned with the moral choices they must make. You can see her concerns in the poem - "No act so small, that helped some soul and nothing cost - Then count that day as worse than lost". She was trying to make a difference - social equality between the upper class and lower class and between men and women

In conclusion, Mary Ann's background reveals the meaning of "Count That Day Lost". The poem symbolizes the change she wants to make and refers to everyone, regardless of class or sex, saying people should manage their time to help each other and do things not only for themselves, and by that improve the society.

Excellent work.

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