יום חמישי, 4 באוקטובר 2012

Post Reading Activity - Diary Entry

Day 1 :

Dear Diary,

It's Saturday morning. I woke up earlier than I'm used  to, and actually felt awake. I looked out of the window and saw it was a great day to go on a trip with my dad and my brother. I woke them up with some loud music on the stereo and they started to shout at me. I shared my idea of a trip with my father, who as an ultimate fan of trips, agreed right away.

We had breakfast and headed up north to a river (which I forgot it's name) together with my father's friends and their children. When we got there, I noticed one of the kids, named Eli, was depressed, so I went to talk to him and dragged him with me to the other kids. We all jumped to the water and started a "splash fight", while the grownups were grilling the food. We all ate very well after we played a lot. I saw Eli felt much better according to his big smile on his face.

It was getting dark, and we all got tired, our parents decided we should return home. We were tired, but happy. I fell asleep in the back of the car, knowing I cheered up someone today. I felt proud of myself.

Day 2 :

Dear Diary,

Today I didn't go to school. It was cold and dark because of the clouds, which covered the sun. I didn't want to get up and leave my warm bed. When I finally got up, It started to rain. My mom was already at work so she couldn't drive me to school, and since it's far from my house, I have to ride my bicycle to reach it. So I decided to stay home today, and curled up in my bed again.

I woke up to the sound of the ringing door. It was my little brother, who came back from school. He looked at me and started talking, like always. I told him I had a headache to keep him quiet, and went back to my room to listen to music. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

My mom came back from work, and started to make dinner. I got hungry so I finally left my room to eat the dinner with my brother and mother. When I finished I told her I would do the dishes later, and guess what? That's right, I went back to my room. I closed the door and lay on my bed, started thinking how this day was so wasted and that I did nothing that made anyone feel better. I concluded that in order to make up for the lost day I should stop being lazy and start helping people or make them laugh or even smile, and I'll start by doing the dishes.
